
Funny secure passwords
Funny secure passwords

That being said, this doesn’t mean we can’t share a laugh about all the funny passwords that can be found online. ‘Password strength’, from my favorite webcomic source, XKCD.

Funny secure passwords password#

Here’s our password security guide for creating a strong password in case you don’t know where to start. So, as much as I feel your frustration, I believe I should insist that you don’t pick an easy to remember but funny password. Obviously, funny passwords aren’t made up of random strings of varied characters and numbers, such as security guidelines suggest. Second of all, if that password makes sense to the human mind (if it’s semantically logical), then it’s not a very secure one. That means that once a password idea appeared in text form somewhere online, you can be sure it will get uploaded into a credential stuffing script sooner or later.

funny secure passwords

Just like in those credential stuffing attacks linked above. First of all, hackers are continuously trying out all account and password combos they can get their hands on. I cannot stress enough what a dangerous strategy this is. Maybe you also think that if you set a funny password, it will be easier to remember it later on. Some users might feel encouraged to actually use these for their accounts when they lack inspiration for what password to set. (If you’ve been using the same password for several accounts, I won’t judge you, but you need to fix this ASAP because you’re vulnerable to credential stuffing attacks).Ī word of caution first: There are plenty of online blogs publishing similar lists of funny passwords or Wi-Fi user names and so on. Passwords are something we all struggle with, since we need so many of them and, for security reasons, they need to be different. Here it is ladies, gents, and rascals: the ultimate list of funny passwords ever encountered online! Browse through every funny idea someone ever had, delight yourself with funny face-palm moments from sysadmins, and smirk to your heart’s content!

Funny secure passwords